021 673 119 margot@wls.co.nz

Dyscalculia Solutions

How can Dyscalculia be corrected?


Dyscalculia Solutions

The Davis Maths Mastery Programme

A one-on-one programme that corrects learning problems associated with mathematics. These learning problems are sometimes called dyscalculia and can often accompany dyslexia and ADD symptoms. The Davis Math Mastery programme addresses:

  • Foundation concepts for understanding and learning maths
  • Numbers, numerals, quantities and counting
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Telling and keeping track of time
  • Reading and using calendars
  • Balancing a cheque book
  • Sequencing and logic
  • Training in how to use creativity as a learning tool
  • Training for a family member or support person
  • Materials required for post programme work
  • Three 1-2 hour follow-up review sessions
  • Unlimited email and phone consultation with facilitator
Dyscalculia Solutions

The Davis approach goes to the root of why some people have problems understanding and learning math with traditional teaching methods. Once the foundation concepts for understanding math are mastered and the math functions can be visualised, maths becomes easy. Davis Math Mastery does not use memory tricks, flashcards, or repetition.

Like other Davis programmes, the first step in Davis Maths Mastery is to enable children and adults to control disorientation. Once students can be sure that their perceptions are accurate, they can resolve any confusion about maths with methods that build upon their creative and imaginative strengths.

The next step in the programme is to master the foundation concepts underlying all mathematics: change, consequence, cause, effect, before, after, time, sequence, and order vs. disorder. This is accomplished using the same techniques we use in other Davis programmes whereby the client creates a three-dimensional clay model to enable full understanding of the concept.

When this is done, we can move on to understanding the basic operations of arithmetic. This done in the same way – using a combination of discussion, exploring the real world, and creating clay models to bring the student to full understanding of each operation.

Because each math operation builds on what has come before, no operation can be fully understood until its underlying concepts have been fully understood. So, if addition has not been fully mastered, multiplication will never make sense. We take the time to make sure that each operation is fully understood before continuing. Only when we are sure that all the concepts have been fully mastered, will we begin maths with a pencil.


Maths Mastery Programme

How long does it take?

A Davis Maths Mastery Programme is 8 days, 6 hours per day of one-on-one tuition. If a Davis Dyslexia Correction Programme has been previously completed, then the Maths Mastery Programme is an additional 3 days. For information on pricing see the FAQ “How much does it cost?”.

Take the next step to correcting dyscalculia!

You (or your child) don’t have to live with the frustrations of dyscalculia. You don’t have to put up with the low self-esteem that comes from being different. If you’d like to be “just like the other kids” (or adults), or if you have any questions, just get in touch.

Call Margot on 04 478 2208 or 021 673 119 

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Margot Young

Licensed Davis Facilitator (and Dyslexic)


“After the Davis Maths programme I actually listened in class and was able to follow what the teacher was talking about for the first time!”

Licensed and certified
by Davis Dyslexia
Association International

Professional services described as Davis, Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery, Davis Orientation Counselling™, Davis Math Mastery, Davis Attention Mastery, Dyslexia the Gift and Gift of Dyslexia may only be provided by persons who are employed by a licensed Davis Specialist, or who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators by Davis Dyslexia Association International.

Davis Autism Approach® is a trademark of Ronald D. Davis. Commercial use of this trademark to identify educational, instructional, or therapeutic services requires licensing by the trademark owner. For more information go to Davis Autism International.