021 673 119 margot@wls.co.nz

Symptoms of Dyspraxia

Symptoms of Dyspraxia

The symptoms of dyspraxia are evident at an early age, and the symptoms change as a person ages. The symptoms of dyspraxia listed below are just a summary, and not everyone will experience all of the symptoms.

Children aged 3 to 5 years

  • Motor skills: They may have difficulty holding a pencil or avoid playing with building blocks. They may be messy eaters, or move awkwardly.
  • Speech and thought skills: Slow to respond to questions or instructions; limited concentration. Some children may have persistent language difficulties.

Primary school aged children

  • Thought skills: Limited concentration; inability to follow more than 2 or 3 instructions.
  • Motor skills: Difficulties with PE and ball skills; hard-to-read handwriting. The child may also appear clumsy in terms of spillages or falling over due to poor balance.
  • Social skills: Difficulty in forming friendships and may be isolated in class.
Symptoms of Dyspraxia
Dyspraxia help

Secondary school aged children

Many of the symptoms above may persist. In addition, the following signs of dyspraxia may be present:

  • Sensitive to different levels of light, sound and heat.
  • Poor organisational skills, such as when planning essays or in time management.
  • The child may tire easily and require longer periods of sleep and rest.



Again, some of the symptoms of dyspraxia listed above may still persist. In addition, an adult with dyspraxia may experience:

  • Difficulties with judging distance, for example when driving or parking a car.
  • Poor organisational skills: they may find it difficult to multi-task or to concentrate. Their short-term memory may be poor too.
  • Cognitive skills may still exist, so they may find it challenging to complete forms.


In short: a person with dyspraxia is likely to have low self-esteem (at any age)… they may look like everyone else, but they struggle to do things that “the other kids” take for granted.

Do these symptoms of dyspraxia look familiar?


If you or a loved one is experiencing some or all of these issues, the good news is that dyspraxia can be corrected.

To find out more, contact Margot today

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